A Community of Passionate Educators and Learners in Geneva and French border area.
A day in the 3-6 classroom
8:00-8:15AM Pre-school daycare
8:15-8:35AM WELCOME!
The children arrive and are welcomed by their educators. Once their slippers are on, they are invited into the classroom to choose an activity and start the day.
8:35-11:15AM Time of concentration
This is peak time of work and concentration. Children are learning through many activities. They are working with an educator, or in a group with other children or simply on their own.
11:15-12:15 Lunch time
Meals are an important social part of the day. Each day two children are selected to set the table for everyone. We eat together in social harmony.
12:00-12:15 Clean-up
As children have finished their meal, each are invited to tidy up their place.
12:15-13:10 Outdoor recess in the garden
13:15-16:00 Afternoon work cycle
We begin the afternoon cycle with a moment of relaxation in the classroom either through music, guided or soft movements. One by one, children are invited to select an activity they would like to do. It's also a time for group lessons on some days.
16:00 Mommy and Daddy time
16:00-18:00 After school daycare